Friday 15 May 2015

Black Suit Devil

From the first song I heard him play I was hooked. His voice is striking. It has a raspy quality that's perfect for expressing tenderness and strength. His name is Andy Du Rego and he goes by the name Black Suit Devil.

Last month he played the Velvet Underground. A number of acts were on and the venue had some trouble with logistics but that night Black Suit Devil had an extra spark. Blind Man was particularly impactful. Du Rego's intro features a melodic guitar riff that glides into bold strumming. It's one of his songs with a message of peace that's both passionate and subtle.

There was a chorus of appreciation in the crowd when he opened Fumble with the lines, “Roll me a joint and pop me a bottle,” his delivery sharp and explosive on “pop”. The song is about more than having fun, though. My impression is of struggle and the search for meaning.

By day Du Rego works full-time. By night, and in any other spare moment he's making a name for himself at clubs like the Rivoli, the Mod Club and the Horseshoe. Previously, he's been in blues bands, hard rock bands and a Stone Temple Pilots cover band. Offstage Andy is unpretentious and welcoming. He makes a point of greeting fans and is up for a genuine conversation.

Catch Du Rego while you can at an intimate venue - I'd say stadium concerts aren't far off.

Black Suit Devil plays The Opera House tonight, as part of an event called The Big One. Tickets at